Do you want to be more active and have a say on how your local Branch is run?
If yes, why not consider becoming a Trustee!
The Trustees make extremely important decisions for the branch, for example deciding on how to raise income for the branch, as well as meeting in sub-groups to consider important subject matters with recommendations being made to the full board of trustees. Our branch is an extremely passionate branch with twelve trustees currently forming the committee. We can recruit up to fourteen elected trustees with a further three co-opted members.

“I was inspired to become a Trustee after adopting Bangles (pictured with me here) from the Branch and witnessing first hand the great work they were doing in animal welfare. It is great being part of a team that cares so passionately for the animals in our local community.”
In order to become a trustee...
- You will need to have been a member of the RSPCA for three months (Annual Membership £24.00) and be elected as a trustee at the AGM.
If you do not have three months membership, but are a member of the RSPCA, you can be co-opted by the trustees already in place before an AGM
(this is how many of our new trustees come on board) - You need to be passionate about the work RSPCA Lincolnshire Mid, North East and Lincoln does and be willing to get stuck into committee-based projects, such as improving our processes and policies, or looking into creative new ways to raise the branch profile or income
- You should be dependable, diplomatic, discreet and able to listen to and appreciate another point of view
Ideally, we try to balance the skill set of our trustees and we arecurrently looking to recruit trustees who have experience with the following:
- Retail Management
- Volunteer Engagement
The above list is not exhaustive and we are more than happy to hear from any individual who is passionate about our branch, and whose qualifications or work experience would compliment our committee.
Application process
Please download and complete a general volunteer application form and send your completed form to our office at At this point, we will request your two references and pass on your application to our Chair and Vice-Chair to consider. You will also need to arrange to provide a passport sized photograph for your ID badge – which you will need to wear when representing our branch.
Once your positive references have come back, you will be invited to meet with our Chair and Vice-Chair, and Branch Support Manager, to discuss becoming a Trustee and what would be expected of you. You will be provided with information for you to read and consider, as well as access to training to become a Trustee. Once you have read all of the information, and you have completed your training, you will be invited to attend a committee meeting to meet with the other trustees. It is possible that you may be co-opted onto the committee at this meeting.
Once you are elected onto the committee, you will be provided with a branch e-mail address and access to the committee documents to enable you to get stuck in.
Although we formally meet once a month, the committee regularly all volunteer in between times on top of their role as trustee, doing such things as organising and participating in fundraising events, undertaking home visits, or coordinating our fosterers, to name but a few.